Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Case Study of DHL

Question: Examine about the Global Operations Management: A Case Study of DHL Express. Answer: Presentation Activity the executives is alluded as the organization of the strategic policies so as to make the most significant level of viability conceivable inside the association. Present examination manages the activities, markets, clients, providers just as key items or administration of DHL Express, a famous dispatch administration association. What's more, explanation of the activity methodology and the means associated with the procedure, factors that lead to make some stream memories for particular handling time are clarified alongside introducing process stream graph. Portrayal on Operations, markets, clients, providers and key items or administration of DHL Express Activities of DHL Express Rushton, Croucher and Baker, P. (2014) expressed that DHL Express is a division of the German coordinations association named as Deutsche Post DHL that gives worldwide dispatch, bundle just as expedited delivery administrations. The mother organization of DHL Express is considered as the biggest calculated organizations over the world, preparing its activities through ocean just as air mail (, 2017). Indeed, even since FedEx has procured sudden achievement, DHL Express has bolstered the market and extended to a portion of the nations like Australia, New Zealand. It has made life simpler by sending and getting bundles across areas just as landmasses. Some of regions like Soviet Union, Iran, Iraq, China, Vietnam and Cuba. At present days, DHL Express provides food administrations to worldwide crowd and has created base camp in a few pieces of the world so as to encourage simpler working. Markets of DHL Express Contending with FedEx just as UPS at global level, the association has its market patterns of the association satisfy the requests of clients (, 2017). The organization has client relationship the executives framework just as showcasing efforts so as to draw in progressively number of clients and hold client for long time (Schnsleben, 2016). Then again, in contemporary world, the association gains contracts dependent on internet business that outcomes happening to the bundles in plentiful sum. Also, DHL Express has made joint effort with various administrative substances just as associations so as to work for advancement of nations alongside getting prevalence with the assistance of the occasions. Custimers of DHL Express Seaward sourcing is one of the key methodologies in experiencing the expanding requests for items (, 2017). In any case, overseeing of the real factors of the worldwide coordinations including security, global require accomplices through which the association can improve their administrations. There are rundown of providers of DHL clarified as followed (, 2017). DHL has actualized Disaster Response Team to Haiti alongside the association. Datalogic supplies DHL with the bundle arranging stations. Volkswagen and BP have broadened relationship with DHL. What's more, Cyroport just as DHL Partner for giving Cryogenic Logistic Solutions to Life Sciences alongside wellbeing. Providers of DHL Express DHL offers an expansive scope of administrations that are structured so as to provide food for delivery necessities. All fare just as bringing in administrations of DHL in Australia just as over the world offer made sure about way to-entryway conveyance with full following perceivability. DHL Express offers wide scope of conveyances before the finish of next conceivable working day. Furthermore, DHL offers progressively affordable choice for less pressing cases (Fernie Sparks, 2014). Key Productss of DHL Express The organization offers heavier conveyances to Europe. Indeed, even through, DHL has specialization in global conveyances, it offers quick just as solid conveyance inside the UK. Alongside these, DHL Domestic Express proposals next working day conveyance to 98% of the UK organizations. The import administrations of DHL empower carrying shipments into the UK from 214 nations. In addition, the organization offers wide scope of administrations for supplementing the standard conveyance administrations. On the off chance that any client needs extra genuine feelings of serenity, the Shipment Insurance administration covers occasions like losing and harming of the items. Enunciation of the Operation Strategy Administration activity the board worries with down to earth understanding that empowers the association successfully executing their tasks. DHL Express has an unmistakable fundamental key vision that satisfies its two sub-dimensional tasks in business (, 2017). It depends on the focused on advertise just as client operators alongside the idea of administration idea as entangled item group just as planning administration for successful conveyance frameworks. There are two sub-measurement of operational methodology, for example, sending out assistance operational system and bringing in administration operational procedure. The association fulfills its administration clients through contribution an expansive scope of value administrations. Then again, the organization centers around fulfillment of the staffs through giving a variety of energizing open doors for profession (, 2017). As a piece of the association, the staffs are committed to convey quality administrations just as answers for the administration clients (Grant, Wong Trautrims, 2017). With the assistance of a few on location trainings and, web based learning entrance of DHL Express, wide scope of degrees for improving administrations are given to the workers of the association. The parts of operational technique speak to essential qualities on which the association is created just as the degree of coordination (, 2017). The client centered components are appropriately incorporated and positively affect making gainfulness of the association. It is imperative to have a legitimate rationale basic the verbalization of operational technique. Client advertise should be engaged just as conveyance framework that meet fulfillment of the clients with administrations and improve buying experience (Jaber, 2016). It returns improved consumer loyalty that ponders steadfastness of clients just as productivity of DHL Express. With the applied relationship, client centered conduct just as benefit is connected. Moreover, it is required to reclassify client arrangement just as clarify the succession exercises alongside methods expected to create vital vision inside DHL Express. Clarification of every one of the means in the activity procedure Without sufficient vision, it is troublesome keeping up consistent upgrade designs just as raise the business (Wang et al. 2016). There are a few systems remembered for articulating activity methodology of DHL Express that can be depicted as followed. Stage 1: Identifying the region to be engaged At the initial step of articulating activity technique, it is critical to create vision for tasks and set the extent of zone required to center. Stage 2: Analyzing time period In the wake of setting the region for center, it is critical to create and dissect time span that assists with setting the works in various calendar and prompts orderly procedure of work. Stage 3: Addressing normal preparing time Regular time span for creating operational vision is vital. It assists with getting past of the prompt issues (Swink et al. 2014). Likewise, figuring normal preparing time for the administration conveyed by DHL Express is required to ascertain. Stage 4: Remembering past progress It is critical to recollect the past progress while defining operational vision. It helps to interruption and review accomplishment inside the association. Stage 5: Documenting the draft plan Archiving the draft plan is the indispensable part in setting up draft plan for the association that assists with taking future direction. Stage 6: Soliciting criticism and information Using care just as thought, choosing suitable work force to give input on the activity procedure created by the association. Stage 7: Review and modify In the wake of getting the criticism, it is essential to request the criticism just as get contributions from others. It is require looking into the work just as reconsidering whenever required. Stage 8: Sharing the vision Subsequent to building up the activity system, it is critical to guarantee that there is well correspondence inside the tasks of the association to various utilitarian offices, which relies upon the info needs of the tasks division of DHL Express. Procedure stream outline Elements driving a stream time for various preparing time There are various variables mindful that leads diverse stream time for unmistakable handling time of the association. The stream rate is considered as one of the most vitat execution measures for DHL Express. The quantity of stream units is experiencing the methodology of business per unit time (Peng, Peng Chen, 2014). For a model, served clients of DHL Express every hour or created parts per time. The stream rate is for the most part alluded as normal rate. Then again, stream time is one of the central point mindful in this viewpoint. The measure of a stream unit can spend in a procedure of business from starting to the end is comprehended as all out preparing time (Meixell Luoma, 2015). Likewise, stock affects diverse handling time of DHL Express. The quantity of stream units is by and by dealt with by the procedure of business, for example, the quantity of administrations prepared by the association. Recognizable proof of Bottleneck of the procedure So as to play out the procedure in DHL Express, it is required to figure all out handling time and stream time just as limit of the association alongside tending to the bottleneck of the procedure. It is characterized as the methodology step in the stream outline. Be that as it may, the bottleneck is the procedure step having long preparing prong. It is crucial to take a gander at the limits so as to make judgment for it (zdamar Ertem, 2015). Bottlenecks are commonly useful for accumulating and laborers in later stage

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America Essay Example for Free

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America Essay Homophobia is a massive issue in todays society, yet particularly in America. The totally unreasonable preferences against the network of this nation is on the ascent. This is because of various reasons for which we as the American individuals can change. We should intently test the causes and the impacts of homophobia in America to totally get why and where this is as yet happening in cutting edge society and how it might be additionally forestalled. Homosexuality has existed as long as mankind itself, and with homosexuality consistently appears homophobia, or the totally outrageous and unreasonable dread or repugnance for homosexuality and gay individuals, makes certain to exist. This preference against gay people has been somehow appeared to exist in pretty much every culture and society, albeit a few societies have come to exist together with the gay network in agreement, others how ever still have a lot of work to do in the step for equivalent rights and absence of segregation for the gay populace in their nations. Of these nations most are found in the Middle Eastern districts, in places like Africa, Egypt, and Iran homosexuality is a crime, and by and large will have one either detained or murdered. It is in a manner expected that these nations would restrict homosexuality so firmly, because of their solid Islamic customs. In any case, a nation that it would not appear to be unreasonable to think would be increasingly open to the gay populace is the United States of America, however this isn't accurate. Gay people probably won't be battered to the point of death in the boulevards of America, yet they additionally don’t have the alternatives of opportunity and rights those in Europe have either. As indicated by measurements, almost 50% of America despite everything has a solid resistance or scorn toward this network, as a nation America needs to acknowledge how silly this totally silly bias is and the amount of a misuse of it truly is. As a nation we should battle to leave homophobia speechless. Homophobia has truly existed, however when did it truly begin happening in the U. S.? The term homophobia was instituted in 1967 by Wainwright Churchill in his examination on the propensities and ways of life of gay men in America. Since the time at that point, it appears the term has stuck, regardless of whether it is utilized in an inappropriate setting. The term left the location of American culture for around 20 years or somewhere in the vicinity, however reemerged a whole lot more grounded with the worldwide AIDS pandemic during the 1980s, gays over the globe were focuses of serious and nonsensical convictions that AIDS was a â€Å"gay keeps an eye on disease†. Such convictions obviously are profoundly silly, however that doesn't prevent them from spreading like the infection its’ self. This generalization can in any case be found in todays supposidly progressively liberal current society. Such generalizations fuel the proceeded with event of homophobia, particularly in the U. S. , which consequently keeps the proceeds with pattern of loathe and bias going. The issues that originate from homophobia are various and far and in the middle of, however many are colossal and evident issues that America in general could change if its’ individuals truly needed to. Of the numerous partialities against the gay populace, it stands not any more clear anyplace else than in equivalent rights, rights that all Americans merit. The separation of lodging, work, and equivalent marriage rights, all must be halted. America is singling out a â€Å"minority† with in it’s fringes, and that isn't right, the â€Å"land of the free† is demonstrating an extreme dishonest, and biased side that nobody ought to ever observe happen. What is actually the center reason for all the negative vitality toward Americas gay network? Of the numerous things that cause homophobia in America, government would not be normal, however it is consistent with state that legislature is the place the vast majority of the negative vitality toward the gay network comes from. The American government should bolster it’s individuals all in all, in an equivalent fair way. In the event that this is valid, for what reason is the administration putting such limitations like the prohibition on same-sex marriage on the gay network? This is an immediate inconsistency to the characteristics America is based on, this isnt opportunity for all of its’ individuals, it is opportunity for the individuals who are characteristically seen as â€Å"normal† by an extremist, uninformed society that is prejudiced of contrast. America’s government is spoiled with individuals thinking in this outlook, particularly among the republican party. Government officials are transparently permitted to â€Å"smear† the gay network with their incredibly extremist remarks, and have as of late prevailing with regards to permitting others to uninhibitedly do so too. In the province of Michigan, republicans have figured out how to pass bill 137, a bill that advances harassing. One needs to reconsider to truly assimilate that the state has really done such a ludicrous thing. In this charge it is currently alright to unreservedly and straightforwardly express ones sentiments towards another, annoy, menace, what ever it is they need, as long as they can bolster their cases with a good or strict view. This is obviously an unpleasant and moronic thought. After the bill was effectively passed, Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing), took to the floor of the Senate to voice her shock at the changed language and the threat of the exceptions: â€Å"Here oday you guarantee to be ensuring kids and youre really placing them in more peril. Be that as it may, tormenting isn't OK. We ought to be securing open strategy that ensures kids,? all children, from menaces,? all domineering jerks. Be that as it may, rather you have interfered with us further by making an outline for tormenting. Amazingly, Senate Bill 137 will accomplish more damage than anything else. Senate Republicans abandoned our understudies for divided legislative issues and passed a bill that really permits all the more harassing. Understudies and guardians anticipate that legislators should lead the charge against harassing, however rather Republicans made belief system more significant than school security. Research plainly shows that lone states with listed bills see a decrease in harassing. We need a bill that makes reference to the most influenced populaces and requires statewide revealing of tormenting and badgering. Senate Bill 137 just does nothing to diminish tormenting in our schools. † â€Å"But the saddest and most ailing incongruity of all, is that the bill was named â€Å"Matt’s Safe School Law,† after Matt Epling, a 14-year-old East Lansing understudy who ended it all in 2002 subsequent to being more than once tormented in school†. As Senator Whitmer has clarified, this unrelentless tormenting must be put to a stop, not advanced like it presently is in American government and society. Government and it’s sees are degenerate, so degenerate that it won't work as it ought to in the objective of securing it’s residents and their merited rights. It is realized government spreads the thoughts of homophobia, however where is the homophobia in American government originating from? The appropriate response exists in the strict foundation that runs a large portion of America, the religion it was established on, Christianity. Christianity is the biggest drilled religion on the planet, with such a confident message of salvation and a generous and adoring God it is nothing unexpected this is valid. Their lessons have a message that â€Å"God so adored the world that he sent his unrivaled child and the individuals who trusts in him and that the individuals who acknowledge him as their unparalleled guardian angel will have everlasting life† (John 3:16). With such message of affection and uniformity toward the entirety of humankind, can any anyone explain why this religion that should spread this message of adoration and expectation, quite a few territories spreading the scorn of a few and particularly the advancement of homophobia? The explanation is there are numerous narrow-minded, dishonest, and of everything homophobic ministers that tell lessons heaving with fanaticism, controlled to pass on the considerations of cynicism towards the gay network in America. It appears the assemblages that hear these alleged â€Å"sermons† are nieve to the point of being unrecognizable. How can it be that the overall population has lost the entirety of its good judgment tuning in to apparently bogus messages preeching the disdain and bigotry of a minority? Of the couple of sections that notice homosexuality in the blessed book of scriptures, one is more than some other, that stanza is Leviticus 20:13. â€Å"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a lady, them two have done what is abhorrent. They should be killed; their blood will be all alone heads†. This refrain is said to straightforwardly cite homosexuality as a wrongdoing, yet this isn't so. In the stanza recorded above it is discussing the Canaanites laws, not God’s, it is arraigning the Canaanites sexual religion customs including male whores, not gay men in commited connections. The serious reluctance to let one think for themselves has permitted this section to be over and again confounded to where it is believed to be the essential fact of the matter. Along these lines empowering the U. S. Media and society to, in it’s considerations, appropriately criticize or oppress the gay populace. Since media is a solid main thrust of data and individual suppositions in the U. S. , particularly to numerous nieve individuals, it in not unreasonable to believe that media is of a major effect on homophobia in America. So much discussion about the reasons for homophobia makes certain to make them wonder how it impacts the genuine gay individual or gay network. Ask any gay individual and they will more than likely state that homophobia has been or is a genuine and terrible issue, yet exactly how can it truly influence them? Homophobia has many, many negative effects on gays, a large number of which they have no control of what so ever. Among these numerous effects, the one that apparently occurs the most is the emphatically held negative mentalities that the American open has on their lives. Gay individuals are victimized regularly in the U. S. , and once in a while even pretty much each day of their lives. They ar

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Cultural Relativeness Essay - 825 Words

Cultural Relativeness (Essay Sample) Content: Author (by name)Instructor (by name)Course (by name)Date (sub mission)Summary of cultural relativenessCultural relativism is a theory that is use to explain the differences among ethics, cultures and morals. This theory describe the ethical, moral and societal differences that different cultures experiences. James Rachel postulates that diverse cultures have different morals codes. He further indicated that all culture in one way or the other may have some values in common. In this aspect, he suggested that there is some fundamental morals codes that every culture possess that are similar to the other. He further takes into account that morals and other characteristics are universal across all cultures which might not be the case.In his book, Element of Moral Philosophy, Rachel argues that cultural relativism does not provide substantial explanation relating to differences among cultures. In that case, he provides relevant examples to support his argument. One such si tuation is about how dead should be disposed of: the Callatians practice on cannibalization while Greeks favors cremation. In another circumstance, he addresses the practice of infanticide especially by Eskimos. In this situation, Rachel argues that since Eskimos are nomadic tribe, Eskimo mother kill their female babies after birth and males while hunting or from the cold without regretting about the action. This alternative undertaken by Eskimos to ease their transport represent a business ethical.Using these examples, James Rachel proposed two general argument that the definition of cultural relativism is based on philosophy that different cultures have different codes. In essence, the delineation symbolizes the absent of objective truth in morality. For these reasons, he viewed rights and wrong as the only matters of opinion. In his statement, he further goes and say that this arguments are not comprehensive.From his examples and arguments, James Rachel concluded that there coul d not be a proper procedure for disposing of the dead as well as the right moral action with regard to babiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ killings. He therefore, points out that moral ethics are not universal but rather a matter of opinion that varies from culture to culture.Is it fair for voters to be required to present a valid ID in order to vote in a national election?Yes, this is because Voterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ID gives every individual or citizen the identity proof to participate in a national election. However, in some circumstances, the most significant aspect of voting is to be a registered voter. Being in the list of registered voters ensures citizen the right to vote. In this light, a citizen not among the registered voters will not take part in the process. On the other hand, those without ID will not be allowed to vote.The Votersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ ID also provide the necessary information to the voters. It contains the voterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s name, place of vote among others. In that case, a valid ID ensu res that voters votes for individuals of their choice without necessarily attempting to multiple voting or otherwise committing electoral fraud.In most situation, Votersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ IDs are very significant as far as the security of a particular nation is concern. This is because multiple voting may arose to violence which might disrupt the whole process. In this regard, the alternative of presenting a valid ID in a national election is ethical as it minimizes the rate of violence eruption.In addition, voterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ID facilitates voting in places where a voter may not be known personally. In this instance, without voter ID an individual may not be able to vote or known a poll where he or she is assign to vote. Also, voting is a national process as well as the democratic right for all citizen of a particular country. In this light, possession of voters ID symbolizes democracy of a particular nation.As such, to attain a free and fair election, voters are required to present their votersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ IDs. This is because voting randomly or without ID jeopardize the systematic process of election. From the above reasons, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s fair and equally prudent for voter to have a valid ID.Case study: Global Profits, Baker/ Hartman/ Shaw p.565.From the point of business ethics, the function of every firms is to increase profit. In this case, achieving high profit is influen...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

List Of A Honor Code By Refraining From Lying, Stealing,...

Nicholas Buhay Mrs. Drewicz Ewing October 21, 2016 Intro to History I pledge to follow the Honor Code by refraining from lying, stealing, or cheating. I pledge that I have not and will not receive any unauthorized help on any assignment or assessment. The Bible provides much information on ancient history and the ancient Hebrews, but we can not verify the truth behind many of the passages from the Bible.. Few evidence has been found to support much of what the Bible states as history, and many people doubt the actual cosmos of the Hebrew people, meaning they doubt that Yahweh actually even existed. The combination of archaeological evidence and Biblical stories allow for some confirmation of the truth, including the origins of Abraham, the Hebrews’ journey into Canaan, the flaws in the Hebrews’ monotheism, the destruction of Solomon’s temple, the conquering of the Israelite kingdom, and the evidence of Israel’s waning power following the death of Solomon. The origins of the Hebrews can be traced back to Abraham, who the Bible depicts as the patriarch of Judaism. Yahweh promises to Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan, saying â€Å"[t]o your offspring I will give this land† (Gen. 12:7-8). Abraham lived around the year 4000 B.C.E., and the Bible claims he lived in Ur, an ancient city in southern Mesopotamia, on a former branch of the Euphrates river. Archaeologists estimated the size of Ur to have been around 25 acres. The Bible described Abraham’s journey from Ur to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Habit Of Persistence By Dr. Howard Watson - 853 Words

The Habit of Persistence By Dr Howard Watson | Submitted On November 07, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Dr Howard Watson There are many behavioural characteristics that can be identified amongst those individuals who have succeeded as entrepreneurs and have consequently become self-made millionaires. One of the most important of such desirable and acquirable attitudes is the habit of being persistent. Calvin Coolidge stated this most eloquently when he said; Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. So what is persistence? Persistence is the determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it. It is that dogged tenacity to never let go, like a bulldog, until you achieve your goal. The general principle is that if you want to be successful you must not give up too early along the successShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages(Prentice Hall, 1990) The Truth About Managing People, 2nd ed. (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2008) Decide and Conquer: Make Winning Decisions and Take Control of Your Life (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2004). Other Interests In his â€Å"other life,† Dr. Robbins actively participates in masters’ track competition. Since turning 50 in 1993, he has won 18 national championships and 12 world titles. He is the current world record holder at 100 meters (12.37 seconds) and 200 meters (25.20 seconds) forRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesabout the principles of effective relationships for a very long time, the history of humankind illustrates that these principles have not always been practiced. Especially in our current day, what we know and what we demonstrate do not always match. Dr. Bob Moorehead of Seattle’s Overlake Christian Church, who resigned his own position under a cloud of accusations, described it this way: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways but narrowerRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Mad e on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages8 9 7 5 3 1 C ONTENTS Introduction Michael Adas 1 1 World Migration in the Long Twentieth Century †¢ Jose C. Moya and Adam McKeown 9 †¢ 2 Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a CenturyRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesworkplace, Ford went so far as to establish what he called the â€Å"Sociological Department† to check up on how his employees lived and the ways they spent their time. Inspectors from this department visited the homes of employees and investigated their habits and problems. Employees who exhibited behaviors contrary to Ford’s standards (for instance, if they drank too much or were always in debt) were likely to be ï ¬ red. Clearly, Ford’s efforts to control his employees led him and his managers to behaveRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 PagesProfessor of Managerial Accounting and Infor- mation Assurance, and the Director of the Ph.D. Program at the Robert H. Smith School of Business. He is also an Affiliate Professor in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. Dr Gordon earned his Ph.D. in Managerial Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research focuses on such issues as corporate performance measures, economic aspects of information and cyber security, cost management systems, and capital investmentsRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pagesare grateful for their encouragement and hope they will be pleased with the changes made in this edition. The authors would especially like to thank those who read and made comments on the content of various chapters. We would especially like to thank Dr. A. J. Anderson, a colleague and friend, who supplied several of the case studies that are on the Web site and wrote a companion case studies volume several years ago. Our appreciation also goes to Linda Watkins, the GSL IS librarian at Simmons College

Application Of Porters Five Forces Beverage Industry

Question: Discusses how Porters Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for profitability in an industry. Answer: The essence of this you tube video firmly focuses on five competitive forces that shape strategies regarding Porters forces. In this video Mr. Michael Porter discussed the application of these five forces to the airline industry and the assignment is going to demonstrate the application of these five marketing and strategic forces to the lower profitability industry ( 2016). Here, United States based beverage industry is selected for the analytical experiment and the application of Porters five forces on this industry is going to be discussed. The five forces are as followed: Competitive Rivalry: The beverage industry is the lowest profit gaining industry in United States. Thus, if the Porters five forces are applied to this industry then it will be able to gain huge profit from the competitive marketplace. Threats of new entrants: Firstly, the beverage industry should start with the notion that describes the managers should concentrate on the direct competitors whereas most of the time they took this narrowly ( 2016). Many new industries are hampering the benefit. Threats of the substitutes: From the industrial aspects it has been found that the rival make the competition more difficult and threats of the substitutes cannot be over changed. Other drinking products have unique flavor which a tough threat to US beverage industry. Suppliers bargaining power: The entry barriers are low and tendency of the consumer switching is high due to huge entry of other food industries. As individual industry have separate economic fundamentals and demand thus, it is very difficult to discriminate the customers choice. Bargaining power of the buyers: The major ingredients used for the product must include unique flavor to mitigate the rivalry throughout ( 2016). They should innovate, new technologies to acquire customer loyalty. The industry should concentrate on the bargaining power of the buyers. References (2016).Porters Five Forces of Competitive Position Analysis - CGMA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jul. 2016].

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mtv And Its Affect On American History Essays -

Mtv And It's Affect On American History MTV History In 1954, the release of Rock around the clock, known as the original white Rock n Roll song and becoming number one on the pop charts, marked a turning point in the history of popular music and its success in the future. In the late 70s, early 80s, Reagan was president, then Senator Al Gores wife led the crusade against inappropriate rock lyrics and founded the Parents Music Resource Center(PMRC). The hippies became yuppies and began to devote their time to raising well mannered, preppie children. Rock music, a vital social phenomena among American youth, had grown dull due to its lack of style change from earlier music. Something new and modern was in need. August 1, 1981, was a day that would change the history of music forever. On this day, MTV first aired with its very first music video by The Buggles Video killed the radio star. This video was also the millionth to air on Feb. 27, 2000, and third most aired in video history (Peter Gabriels Sledgehammer being the first). This new way of presenting rock music, through a 24 hour cable music video channel, would change Rock n Roll forever. The first video was a new medium without boundaries, which meant that no one knew how MTV would impact artists careers or just how big MTV would inevitably become. Along with MTV came the modo Sit back, relax and turn off your mind. Music specials were already airing on certain television channels. In 1979, NBC-TV aired a show at the UN General Assembly, to help UNICEF raise money to combat hunger and to provide food for the worlds children. The show featured stars such as the BeeGees, Rod Stewart. Donna Summers and a few others. Another special was aired on ABC-TV. A landmark documentary about Rocks biggest names The heroes of Rock n Roll starring Jeff Bridges. The Grammy Awards were televised from Radio City Music Hall in NY, on Feb. 25, 1981. A channel solely dedicated to music was in need, since the music industry was constantly expanding. MTV was a learning experience that gradually and completely changed the future of Rock n Roll. In the early 80s, Pat Benetar was one of the first artists to benefit from the new rock channel. The heat of the night became an immediate hit and spawned three US chart singles. She won a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal. MTV made her a recognizable personality along with other bands such as John Mellencamp, who took the appearance of a young James Dean, and was one of Americas most successful mainstream rock singers of the past two decades. Image began to be of great importance in the music industry since performers would, especially now, constantly be in the public eye. David Bowie, with his flamboyant style, was one of the great enigmas of popular music. In 1983, Michael Jacksons Billie Jean was the first music video to air on MTV by a black artist, marking a turning point for African Americans and their fight for equality and respect. His Thriller album generated an astonishing seven top ten singles, on its way to becoming the biggest selling album of all time with thirty seven million units sold worldwide. Madonna also made her debut in 1983, setting the road for her sexy new style. MTV helped shape them into major icons of the 20th century. On Tuesday Sep.14, 1984, MTV launched its first Video Awards show at New Yorks famous Radio City Music Hall. It was hosted by Dan Akroyd and Better Midler. Herbie Hancock dominated the awards with his Rock it video, winning in five different categories. Performing live were stars such as Madonna, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart and ZZ Top. In the years of 1984-1985, MTV started to find its place in the music and entertainment industry, and began to capitalize on its unique position. MTV brought artists and bands into the mainstream, often bringing them to immediate stardom due to constant publicity. MTV was expanding and gaining many fans along the way. MTV had no competition until Tuesday Jan.1, 1985, when VH1 premiered as a twenty four hour music video channel with Marvin Gayes Star spangled banner video. Still MTV had nothing to fear since VH1 catered to an adult audience, while MTV focused mainly on teens and young adults ( early twenties). Van Halen was quite popular during these years. He was named new guitarist of the

Monday, March 16, 2020

Amistad Movie Review essays

Amistad Movie Review essays The movie Amistad is a 4 star film because I believe it is historically accurate, very effective in showing the way slaves were treated, and the way slavery and the American judicial system worked during the Antebellum period. The movie was also a good watch, and was entertaining and educational at the same time. The movie also proved to be realistic, entertaining, and believable. Amistad seemed realistic to me throughout the entire movie; one specific example would be the opening scene of the movie. The scene had the slaves taking over La Amistad. At first, it didn't seem very likely that the slaves would have actually been able to do that. But after thought, it began to seem more likely. Considering the number of slaves versus the number of crew members, and also considering that the slaves had already come from lives of labor. Also, when the Cinqu first pulled the nail from the rock, I personally found that believable too. A lot of people wouldn't have put themselves through tha t much pain, with no guarantee of results, but he had wanted to get back to his family so badly that it didn't matter. In my opinion, the movie actually seemed somewhat biased towards the slave's point of view. It was always shown that the slaves had come from such happy lives where all was good, into a life of beatings, labor, and sickness. Granted they did come into this, but as they said in the movie, in the Mende tribe, they have something of the same thing as a slave. If a person is indebted to another, or something happens where the consequences would require this, then that man would become a sort of servant or slave to the man he owed. The Mende seemed to do the same thing to their salves, only on not quite the same level. I do however, agree that white men have treated slaves horribly and there is no excuse for it, but watching the movie, one does pick up a sense of bias towards the slaves. The movie was an entertaining one, that is true. A...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analyzing the Flesh and the Spirit by Anne Bradstreet

Analyzing the Flesh and the Spirit by Anne Bradstreet Five Literary Criticisms Throughout history, there have been many religious faiths and practices that aim the same goal in different ways. One of them was Puritanism and the Puritan believed that the best way to gain admission to heaven was to focus on how sinful they were. Anne Bradstreet was the first Puritan figure in American Literature and in her poem titled The Flesh and the Spirit, she discussed Puritan practices. This essay will analyses the poem with 5 literary criticisms, including Marxist Criticism, Feminist Criticism, New Criticism, Reader-response Criticism, and Psychoanalytic Criticism. Starting with the Marxist Criticism, we need to look at the era’s economic conditions first. Anne Bradstreet lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the colony was highly dependent on the import of staples from England. The Puritan dislike of ostentation led the colony to also regulate expenditures on what it perceived as luxury items. Items of personal adornment were f rowned upon. In the poem, we see two characters discussing what kind of life people should have. The sister named Flesh tries to explain to her sister named Spirit that the World has everything that could keep them happy and content. Flesh’s this kind of approach to the earthly goods is totally against Puritan believes. As the colony Bradstreet lived in already frowned upon luxury items, the sister Spirit says, †My Crown not Diamonds, Pearls, and gold, / But such as Angels’ heads infold.† Here, she means that she doesn’t have a materialist personality. The poet, Bradstreet, reflects her colony’s world-view for the economic matters in those lines. When we try to analyze this poem using the Feminist Criticism, we simply need to ask some questions regarding to poet’s sex, education, and then look at the characters. The poet was a woman. And when we read her biography, we see that she didn’t attend any school but was educated by hi s father. This informs us that she lived in a male-dominant society because girls didn’t attend school even if her father was a steward. The characters in the poem are also girls and they discuss religious matters. Here, the author breaks the male-dominant society and makes her female characters question the religious matters, especially the Puritanism. When the subject is religion, one shouldn’t even question the most unimportant thing. But the sister Flesh questions it and all she says is totally against the Puritanism seen in the poet’s colony. Since the poet herself is a woman, we can assume that a woman discusses a religious practice in a male-dominant society. Analyzing a poem with New Criticism requires a person not to take background information of the poet, poet’s other works or the story in the poem into consideration. When we read what Spirit says about earthly goods and how she criticizes what Flesh claims that people need to enjoy them, we can understand that this poem reflects the Puritan beliefs. Words used in the poem belong to the English spoken at least 350 years ago. Metaphors were also used in the poem. The character Flesh is a metaphor for earthly items, such as diamonds, pearls, and gold. The poem is not also in a stanza form. It looks like a wall of text. This means that the poet didn’t want to separate what is wanted to mean. It means that the poem is all about the same thing. Rhymes used in the poem also makes it sound better and that way it attracts readers’ attention. When I try to analyze this poem as a reader with the Reader-response Criticism, I can directly say that this poem is about Puritanism; therefore, religion. Since Spirit seems to be more dominant in the poem, the poet’s environment is a Puritan society. I’d say this poem is not different than other religious poems because they all aim one goal: Heaven. It is the way they discuss what to do in order to go to Heav en. Flesh seems to be a sinner character whom readers should avoid. I don’t know whether it’s okay to blame a character to praise a religion or religious practice, but this kind of behavior would make me more uninterested in that religion or practice. As the verses say, †No Candle there, nor yet Torch light, / For there shall be no darksome night.† they just sound to be impressive sentences that attract people to that religion – no different than that of all religions have. To analyze this poem with the Psychoanalytic Criticism, we need to analyze the characters’ thoughts, their fears, and what they do to suppress their fears.   When we look at what Spirit says in the poem, we can understand that her core issue is fear of God; thus, she adopted the Puritan beliefs in order to go to Heaven. On the other hand, Flesh is just opposite of Spirit. She displays everything that is against fear of God. This can also be interpreted to be an avoidanc e as her defense mechanism, since she tries to avoid any religious thoughts and want to enjoy all earthly pleasures. To sum up, this essay tried to analyze the poem titled The Flesh and the Spirit by Anne Bradstreet with 5 literary criticisms. With the Marxist Criticism, we looked at the era’s economic conditions and tried to reflect Bradstreet’s colony’s world-view for the economic matters in her poem’s verses. Using the Feminist Criticism, we tried to explain how Bradstreet broke the man-dominated society and used her female characters to discuss religious matters. With New Criticism, we tried to show figures of speech and what the poem’s form means. Reader-response Criticism was used to explain what the author of this paper understood from the poem. And finally, with the Psychoanalytic Criticism, we tried to identify characters’ core issues and their defense mechanisms.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Research on Meth Addiction Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On Meth Addiction - Research Paper Example There were efforts to control them through regulation through the Food and Drug Administration as well as by law enforcement. However, these illicit drugs are still a part of our society, often having comorbidity with other aspects of crime, which disrupts our society. Methamphetamine is an extremely powerful narcotic. It has multiple ways of being ingested into the body. Sometimes, it is injected through the use of hypodermic needles, while other times it is snorted or smoked. Typically, snorting will have the quickest effect on the body due to the fact that methamphetamine is lipid soluble, which means it can interact past the blood brain barrier faster than any other route of administration. It was and still is the cause of many problems in relation to drug abuse in our society. It enslaves the user through powerful chemical drug dependence. This works because it changes the brain on a fundamental level. Freud was one of the first psychologists to say that humans operate on a plea sure principle. This rewarding pathway in the brain is known as the dopaminergenic reward pathway. Dopamine is one of the primary rewarding neurotransmitters in the brain and is responsible for regulating many actions such as hunger, sex, etc. Methamphetamine affects this system by causing a large increase in the amount of dopamine. This is why drug users feel such a high euphoric effect. The withdrawal effects of methamphetamine are also extremely unpleasant. Therefore, drug users self-administer more of the drug in order to not â€Å"crash†. As a result, they become chemically addicted. This occurs due to the fact that the brain rewires itself and does not secrete dopamine in the normal amounts of a person who does not use methamphetamine. Methamphetamine users comment that while they are not using the drug that there is a lack of feeling and everything seems grey. This is a primary motivator in encouraging the user to continue using the drug as a result of physiological re sponse. This physiological response is what drives the psychological and behavioral response. It works in both ways of classical and operant conditioning. Drug users learn that with the drug they will experience a state of euphoria. As a result, they develop not only the physiological dependence to the drug, but they also develop a psychological addiction. This in turn fuels other aspects of crime. Methamphetamine is common in all social classes, however it affects the lower classes the most. Often, many of these lower class citizens do not have a surplus income in order to fuel their drug addiction. Thus, they turn to other criminal activities in order to supply the income required to fuel their habit. This exposure to the drug often also causes problems among families. Methamphetamine can tear families apart and often leaves children with parents behind bars. Prostitution is also common for drug users in that they can take methamphetamine as collateral for sexual favors. The side effects of the use of methamphetamine are wide and varied. The fact that methamphetamine is a stimulant means that it promote a wide variety of anxiety and â€Å"twitchy† behavior. It also can lead to attentiveness problems as well as deficits in cognitive function and memory. As discussed previously, the dopaminergic reward system is highly stimulated when methamphetamine is in the system and that long-term use can lead to dopamine deficit. This puts high, chronic methamphetamine use

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The use of power and persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The use of power and persuasion - Essay Example Similarly, others stress on how the power must transcend by virtue of leadership, implying that people relate to larger groups and thus, the art of leadership must be paralleled with the art of gauging the deep rooted insights of human responses (Harvard University 2005). However, in order to apply this strategy, it is imperative to build trusts and a dynamic interpersonal relationship with the people. Similarly, commenting on the need of innovative leaders, the academia also tends to differentiate between an ordinary leader and the one which tends to innovate, since innovative leadership doesn’t solely rely of a vision and leadership qualities; instead it tends to seek inspiration and drive these innovators towards positive direction to deem outputs (Yolderwise 2010). Therefore, a leader offer inspiration, motivation and even a dynamic personality for others to relate to and follow, with an innovation leader carrying even more elaborate responsibilities. Thus, there is need t o explore various dimensions on the nature and functioning of innovative leadership. As mentioned above as well, there are distinct leadership styles and leadership qualities which can be undertaken by a leader, and therefore may be understood from various lens. However, question arises on which approach may be accurate and appropriate for an innovation leader. In this context, various researchers have commented that such a leader may borrow concepts from various leadership styles to create a distinct style of his own to instill innovation and direction in the intended audience. Therefore, an innovative leader will employ distinct strategies to carve out a leadership style which then contributes towards producing creative and original ideas, services, products or solution Thus concept of innovation leadership was first put forth by Dr, Gliddon

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Indian Mind and Heart :: essays papers

The Indian Mind and Heart The mind and heart are common terms personifying intellectual and spiritual characteristics. The mind illustrates the current state of what it describes and the heart describes the undying features of which is portrayed. The mind may change depending on influence but the heart is fixed. These regards, the Indian mind and heart may take on many forms. Starting at the core of India, its heart can be correlated with Hinduism. Hinduism started in Indian approximately the third millennium BC and is still practiced in the present day. Also, as it is of Indian origin, its rightful place can be considered the heart of India. It can be said that Hinduism is substantially â€Å"outdated† by today’s standards as formidable religion of Indian majority. During the period of the caste social structure within India it was en excellent fit. But this ensures its position of the heart of India by being fundamental to the development of ancient India and forming modern India. The Bhagavad Gita is a timeless example of how Hinduism can be applied and seen in Indian life. It also enforces the example of how Hinduism is the heart of India by demonstrating the qualities of ancient Indian culture. These beliefs although outdated, are also seen manifesting in many important values, such as Buddhism, which will be discussed later. It is in this document that both sets of beliefs which provide the foundation of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs are combined. In The Bhagavad Gita Arjuna and Krishna converse and discuss spirituality. This literature is excellent in explaining the Indian theory that true spiritual conduct is beyond what we consider logical. Before Sri Krishna instructs Arjuna to fight in the battle he says â€Å"The impermanent has no reality; reality lies in the eternal. Those who have seen the boundary between these two have attached the end of all knowledge. Realize that which pervades the universe and is indestructible; no power can affect this unchanging, imperishable reality.† (qtd. Easwaran 43) In this document Sri Krishna describes â€Å"the intellectual explanation of Sankhya.† (qtd. Easwaran 44) This is vital in describing Buddhism, which was derived from the Sankhya school of thought. â€Å"Death means the attainment of heaven; victory means the enjoyment of the earth. Therefore rise up, Arjuna, resolved to fight! Having made yourself alike in pain and pleasure, profit and loss, victory and defeat, engage in this great battle and you will be free from sin.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Elizabeth I Research Paper Essay

I, Overview Elizabeth I (known simply as â€Å"Elizabeth† until the accession of Elizabeth II; 7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called â€Å"The Virgin Queen†, â€Å"Gloriana† or â€Å"Good Queen Bess†, Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed two and a half years after her birth.[1] Elizabeth was a different kind of Queen: quick-witted, clever and able to use feminine wiles to get her own way. Elizabeth could be as ruthless and calculating as any king before her but at the same time she was vain, sentimental and easily swayed by flattery. She liked to surround herself with attractive people and her portraits were carefully vetted to make sure that no physical flaws were ever revealed. She relied upon the ministers close to her but would infuriate them with her indecision – ‘It makes me weary of life,’ remarked one. Faced with a dilemma – for example whether or not to sign the execution warrant of Mary Queen of Scots – Elizabeth would busy herself with other matters for months on end. Only when the patience of her ministers was running short would she be forced to make up her mind. She had a formidable intellect, and her sharp tongue would quickly settle any argument – in her favour.[2] II,Early life Elizabeth was the only child of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, who did not bear a male heir and was executed less than three years after Elizabeth’s birth. Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace and was named after both her grandmothers, Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard.[5] She was the second child of Henry VIII of England born in wedlock to survive infancy. Her mother was Henry’s second wife, Anne Boleyn. When Elizabeth was two years and eight months old, her mother was executed on 19 May 1536.[8] Elizabeth was declared illegitimate and deprived of the title of princess[1] Source: Wikipedia Elizabeth is favorably contrasted to her half-blood sister, Mary I but she was lucky to live longer than her. Her early life was full of uncertainties, and her chances of succeeding to the throne seemed very slight once her half-brother Edward was born in 1537. She was then third in line behind her Roman Catholic half-sister, Princess Mary. Roman Catholics, indeed, always considered her illegitimate and she only narrowly escaped execution in the wake of a failed rebellion against Queen Mary in 1554. Elizabeth succeeded to the throne on her half-sister’s death in November 1558. She was very well-educated (fluent in six languages), and had inherited intelligence, determination and shrewdness from both parents. [3] III, Elizabeth’s Reign[2] Her 45-year reign is generally considered one of the most glorious in English history. During it a secure Church of England was established. Its doctrines were laid down in the 39 Articles of 1563, a compromise between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Elizabeth herself refused to ‘make windows into men’s souls †¦ there is only one Jesus Christ and all the rest is a dispute over trifles’; she asked for outward uniformity. Most of her subjects accepted the compromise as the basis of their faith, and her church settlement probably saved England from religious wars like those which France suffered in the second half of the 16th century. Although autocratic and capricious, Elizabeth had astute political judgement and chose her ministers well; these included Burghley (Secretary of State), Hatton (Lord Chancellor) and Walsingham (in charge of intelligence and also a Secretary of State). Overall, Elizabeth’s administration consisted of some 600 officials a dministering the great offices of state, and a similar number dealing with the Crown lands (which funded the administrative costs). Social and economic regulation and law and order remained in the hands of the sheriffs at local level, supported by unpaid justices of the peace. Elizabeth’s reign also saw many brave voyages of discovery, including those of Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh and Humphrey Gilbert, particularly to the Americas. These expeditions prepared England for an age of colonisation and trade expansion, which Elizabeth herself recognised by establishing the East India Company in 1600. The arts flourished during Elizabeth’s reign. Country houses such as Longleat and Hardwick Hall were built, miniature painting reached its high point, theatres thrived – the Queen attended the first performance of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Composers such as William Byrd and Thomas Tallis worked in Elizabeth’s court and at the Chapel Royal, St. James’s Palace. The image of Elizabeth’s reign is one of triumph and success. The Queen herself was often called ‘Gloriana’, ‘Good Queen Bess’ and ‘The Virgin Queen’. Investing in expensive clothes and jewellery (to look the part, like all contemporary sovereigns), she cultivated this image by touring the country in regional visits known as ‘progresses’, often riding on horseback rather than by carriage. Elizabeth made at least 25 progresses during her reign. However, Elizabeth’s reign was one of considerable danger and difficulty for many, with threats of invasion from Spain through Ireland, and from France through Scotland. Much of northern England was in rebellion in 1569-70. A papal bull of 1570 specifically released Elizabeth’s subjects from their allegiance, and she passed harsh laws against Roman Catholics after plots against her life were discovered. One such plot involved Mary, Queen of Scots, who had fled to England i n 1568 after her second husband’s murder and her subsequent marriage to a man believed to have been involved in his murder. As a likely successor to Elizabeth, Mary spent 19 years as Elizabeth’s prisoner because Mary was the focus for rebellion and possible assassination plots, such as the Babington Plot of 1586. Mary was also a temptation for potential invaders such as Philip II. In a letter of 1586 to Mary, Elizabeth wrote, ‘You have planned †¦ to take my life and ruin my kingdom †¦ I never proceeded so harshly against you.’ Despite Elizabeth’s reluctance to take drastic action, on the insistence of Parliament and her advisers, Mary was tried, found guilty and executed in 1587. In 1588, aided by bad weather, the English navy scored a great victory over the Spanish invasion fleet of around 130 ships – the ‘Armada’. The Armada was intended to overthrow the Queen and re-establish Roman Catholicism by conquest, as Philip II believed he had a claim to the English throne through his marriage to Mary. During Elizabeth’s long reign, the nation also suffered from high prices and severe economic depression, especially in the countryside, during the 1590s. The war against Spain was not very successful after the Armada had been beaten and, together with other campaigns, it was very costly. Though she kept a tight rein on government expenditure, Elizabeth left large debts to her successor. Wars during Elizabeth’s reign are estimated to have cost over  £5 million (at the prices of the time) which Crown revenues could not match – in 1588, for example, Elizabeth’s total annual revenue amounted to some  £392,000. Despite the combination of financial strains and prolonged war after 1588, Parliament was not summoned more often. There were only 16 sittings of the Commons during Elizabeth’s reign, five of which were in the period 1588-1601. Although Elizabeth freely used her power to veto legislation, she avoided confrontation and did not attempt to define Parliament’s constitutional position and rights. Elizabeth chose never to marry. If she had chosen a foreign prince, he would have drawn England into foreign policies for his own advantages (as in her sister Mary’s marriage to Philip of Spain); marrying a fellow countryman could have drawn the Queen into factional infighting. Elizabeth used her marriage prospects as a political tool in foreign and domestic policies.However, the ‘Virgin Queen’ was presented as a selfless woman who sacrificed personal happiness for the good of the nation, to which she was, in essence, ‘married’. †¨Late in her reign, she addressed Parliament in the so-called ‘Golden Speech’ of 1601 when she told MPs: ‘There is no jewel, be it of never so high a price, which I set before this jewel; I mean your love.’ She seems to have been very popular with the vast majority of her subjects. III, Overall Overall, Elizabeth’s always shrewd and, when necessary, decisive leadership brought successes during a period of great danger both at home and abroad. She died at Richmond Palace on 24 March 1603, having become a legend in her lifetime. The date of her accession was a national holiday for two hundred years.[3] Elizabeth was a master of political science. She inherited her father’s supremacist view of the monarchy, but showed great wisdom by refusing to directly antagonize Parliament. She acquired undying devotion from her advisement council, who were constantly perplexed by her habit of waiting to the last minute to make decisions (this was not a deficiency in her makeup, but a tactic that she used to advantage). She used the various factions (instead of being used by them), playing one off another until the exhausted combatants came to her for resolution of their grievances. Few English monarchs enjoyed such political power, while still maintaining the devotion of the whole of English society.[2] Resources Information: [1]: [2]: [3]: